Monday, September 26, 2011


I slept and dreamt,
Of the greenest Earth,
I awoke and felt,
The prevailing dearth

I dreamt of trees,
Then woke up to plant them
Stung by political bees,
But soldiered on; devoid of shame

Now that I'm gone,
Of more trees do plant,
Here; the torch that my path shone,
The song of eco-warriors forever chant!

~ In Memory of Prof. Wangari Maathai

Friday, September 16, 2011

African Ministirial Conference on Environment Release.

Mali: Bamako 15 September 2011 – For Immediate Release

African Youth welcome the hosting of the African Ministerial Conference on Environment (AMCEN) in Bamako, Mali from the 12 to 16 September 2011. This 14th session which aims at consolidating the African common position within the climate negotiations at COP 17 as well as the Rio + 20 gives impetus to the African youth to get their permanent observer status at AMCEN.

The African Youth Initiative on Climate Change (AYICC) is a Pan-African movement of young people and organizations which aims at addressing issues of climate change, environment and sustainable development. AYICC was formed in Nairobi in 2006 during the UNFCCC COP 12 as a platform for youth advocacy on climate change issues. Its goal is to bring together the synergies of youth to participate in various forums and debates in order to find solutions to climate change issues.

In fulfilling this, AYICC is represented at AMCEN by youth organizations and NGOs from Africa led by JVE International, an environmental organization present in over 19 countries in Africa which is fighting for climate justice through advocacy and the education of young people on climate change in Africa.

Like its peers in the African civil society, AYICC would like to remind Ministers that climate justice and sustainable development should be the basic fundamental strategy for Africa. This requires:

Recognition of the right of people to development, the maintenance of the earth’s bio capacity , and inter and intra-generational equity;
Urgent focus on adaptation to climate change especially for the most vulnerable communities to easily access adequate funding;
The implementation of an innovative financing mechanism that takes into account historical responsibility, direct access (without intermediaries), and the rejection of all forms of debt;
A call to limit the average increase in temperature to below 1.5 ° C; and
Integrating environmental sustainability into national development plans.

All these demands are contained in the ‘Have Faith-Act Now’ petition campaign in which AYICC is involved and in which we are seeking to collect one (1) million signatures to take to COP 17.This campaign also includes a youth caravan from Nairobi to Durban.

Further to this, AYICC wishes to reaffirm its commitment to contribute to the construction of a new development paradigm. In this regard, Rio +20 is an opportunity for us to:

Act on the transition to a low carbon development and build resilience to the impacts of climate change
Lay the foundations for a genuine global governance mechanism for sustainable development
Place Youth, Chidren and Indigenous peoples in particular and civil society in general, at the heart of environmental governance and development.
Guide the green economy to address the fight against poverty while taking care not to exacerbate social inequalities, let alone the destruction of biodiversity or the collapse of the poor states in favor of the private sector.

The urgent and important message that the ministers should take to heart is that: 'Climate change threatens the balance of life on Earth with Sea level rises and increased acidity , the melting of ice caps and glaciers, deterioration of forests and coral reefs and other ecosystem changes. With these, the existence of some communities is threatened while others face increasing difficulties in their development . According to Sylvia Wachira the AYICC Coordinator. ‘While the lives of young people and children are just blooming, it is undeniable that we are on the brink of a climatic catastrophe which will cause disturbances with unpredictable weather patterns, the collapse of food systems, mass migration and unprecedented human conflict .’

With this in mind, we AYICC affirms that it is committed to supporting the position of Africa to reach a fair and equitable agreement at COP 17 in Durban.

We represent the future which you speak of : RESPECT IT!

Thursday, September 15, 2011


A message from African faith leaders to the 17th Conference of the Parties (COP17) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), from 29 November – 9 December 2011 in Durban, South Africa.

You must treat the earth well. It was not given to you by your parents. It is loaned to you by your children. – Kikuyu proverb

1. Introduction
Africa is a continent of the faithful. We gathered as African faith leaders at UNEP in Nairobi, Kenya on 7th and 8th June 2011, to discuss climate change and how it will be addressed at COP17.
Scientific reports indicate that climate change may well be the greatest threat that humanity has ever faced, with, on current targets, probable increased global warming of 2.5⁰C to 4⁰C by 2100 – widely agreed to be disastrous. Yet progress in international negotiations has not matched the scale of the crisis. There appears to be a deadlock between competing political and economic interests from various power blocs. We believe that to break this deadlock, new perspectives are required.
Firstly, economic and political processes have to be based on ecological principles, and not vice versa. There can be no infinite economic or population growth on a finite planet.
Secondly, there is a profound need for a renewed moral vision for the future of humanity and indeed of all life. We debase human beings by seeing them only as economic instruments, and debase the sanctity of life by commodifying it.
We must realise that well-being cannot be equated with material wealth. The quality of life is not dependent on the quantity of material things or growth measured by GDP. Instead, our standard of living depends on our standard of loving and sharing. We cannot sustain a world dominated by profit-seeking, rampant consumerism and gross inequalities, and an atmosphere of competition where the powerful take advantage of the weak without caring for the well-being of every form of life. Development cannot be sustained if the affluent project themselves as examples to be copied by everyone else, and if the poor model their lifestyles on such examples.
These insights draw from the rich moral and spiritual traditions on our continent and elsewhere in the world. Despite the historical violence and disorganisation that Africa has suffered and inflicted on itself, these insights have been transmitted to us by our ancestors who believed in the harmony of vital forces, between human beings and the rest of creation.
In our African spiritual heritage and our diverse faith traditions, trees, flowers, water, soil and animals have always been essential companions of human beings, without which life and being are inconceivable. We express this in different ways through our understanding of the world as God’s own beloved creation, and our sense of place and vocation within it.
Our ways of thinking and feeling deeply influence the world around us. As we find compassion, peace and harmony within ourselves, we will begin to treat the Earth with respect, resist disorder and live in peace with each other, including embracing a binding climate treaty. We pray that compassion will guide these negotiations.
2. Our commitments as faith leaders
Our African people and nations have to overcome the temptation of seeing ourselves as victims, who have no role and responsibility to play in reversing the current situation – we are part of the solution.
As African faith leaders, our responsibilities will be to:
• Set a good example for our faith communities by examining our personal needs and reducing unsustainable consumption.
• Lead local communities to understand the threat of climate change and the need to build economies and societies based on a revitalised moral vision.
• Draw on our spiritual resources to foster crucial ecological virtues such as wisdom, justice, courage and temperance, and to confront vices such as greed in our own midst.
• Acknowledge that climate change has greatly affected already vulnerable people (such as women, children, the elderly, the poor and the disabled), that it worsens existing inequalities and that this places an obligation on faith groups to stand in solidarity with the victims of climate change disasters, showing care, compassion and love.
• Plant indigenous trees and promote ecological restoration.

3. Our message to all world leaders
As citizens, we are asked to put our trust in representatives at COP17 to decide upon our common future. We have no doubt that the Durban COP must decide on a treaty – and second commitment period for the Kyoto Protocol – that is fair, ambitious and legally binding, to ensure the survival of coming generations.

We therefore call on you to:
• Commit to the principle of inter-generational equity, the rights of our children for generations to come, and to the rights of Mother Earth as outlined in the Cochabamba declaration.
• Refute the myth that action to cut emissions is too expensive, when it is far cheaper than the long-term costs of inaction.
• Acknowledge that investments in sustainability are a better guarantor of peace than military spending.
• Abandon Gross Domestic Product (GDP) as an indicator of prosperity in favour of indicators that include human wellbeing, equality and the external environmental costs of human economies.
• Set clear final targets for phasing out the use of all fossil fuels, and deep interim reductions in carbon emissions that support the target of no more than one degree of global warming.
• Ensure that there is sufficient climate finance for adaptation in Africa, additional to existing development aid and that it is governed inclusively and equitably under the United Nations.
• Channel sufficient and predictable climate finance and technology from the historic polluting nations, in recognition of their ecological debt, to enable Africa to leapfrog into an age of clean energy technology.
• Close the gap between wealthy countries’ pledges to cut warming emissions and what science and equity require.
• Assign for wealthy countries emission quotas that are consistent with the full measure of their historical responsibility.

4. Our message to Africa’s political leaders
We further urge African political leaders, as many of you are members of our faith communities, to take these particular measures:
• To regain a united voice and abandon expedient allegiances with blocs that are scrambling to appropriate Africa’s natural resources.
• Recognize in all policy statements that our long-term social and economic interests require the stability of our biophysical environment today.
• Prioritize measures and adopt policies to resolve environmental degradation in our nations.
• Acknowledge and pre-empt the violence at all levels that climate change and environmental degradation is already fueling on the continent.
• Adopt and enact land policies that ensure equity and justice for all.
• Resist the approval of transactions with exploitative corporations that would cause serious environmental damage.
• Promote indigenous tree planting and protection of existing forests, lakes and rivers.
• Build much greater capacity within long-standing teams of climate negotiators.
• Greatly improve communications within and between African governments, and consultation with civil society, including faith communities, on issues of climate change.

5. Conclusion
Every human generation is faced by particular challenges and opportunities. If we do not secure a stable climate for the sake of future generations, we will be held accountable by them and judged by history.
On this very critical issue of climate change, we must not fail. Every lost moment increases an irreversible threat to life on Earth.

8 June 2011:– This communique was compiled jointly by 130 faith leaders representing Muslim, Christian, Hindu, African traditional, Bahá'í and Buddhist communities from 30 countries across Africa.

For more information, please contact:
Southern African Faith Communities’ Environment Institute (SAFCEI):
Bishop Geoff Davies (Cape Town): +27 83 754 5275,,

All Africa Conference of Churches (AACC):
Rev. Dr. Andre Karamaga (Nairobi): (254-20) 4441483,

Programme for Christian-Muslim Relations in Africa (PROCMURA):
Rev Dr Johnson Mbillah (Nairobi):

Courtesy of the African Faith leaders

Wednesday, September 7, 2011



Climate Change confronts us with profound Negative Realities. We face these Harmful Impacts as a Nation, as members of the World Community, as Consumers, as Producers, and as Investors. And unless we do a better job of adjusting to these new realities, we will pay a heavy price. We may not suffer the fate of the Dinosaurs, but there will be a Heavy Toll on our Environment and on our Daily Lives, and the Impact will be more Catastrophic with each New Generation. It’s of paramount importance that we act now, since we have Faith for a healthier future!
Warming up of the Climate System is beyond argument, as shown by observations of increases in global average air and ocean temperatures, the widespread melting of snow and ice, rising global average sea levels, frequent floods and the prolonged drought in Kenya amongst other nations in the World. Evidence of a warming world includes shorter freezing seasons of Lakes and River ice, decreases in the extent of Permafrost and rising soil temperatures.
Observations from across the World show that many natural systems are being affected by regional climate change, especially by temperature increases. Other effects of regional climate change on humans and ecosystems are emerging. Many are difficult to pinpoint, both because of steps to adapt to changing climate, and because of factors unrelated to it. They range across areas as different as planting crops in Kenya to changes in allergic pollen distribution in the Northern Hemisphere, changes in the extension of areas where infectious diseases are transmitted or effects on activities depending for example on snow and ice cover on Mt. Kenya, Kilimanjaro and others.
The drought in Kenya and other African nations has been so severe in the year 2011 and many people have lost their lives. In addition to this, livestock have also died and this is detrimental to our growth and development as a nation. This is a direct result of Climate Change in the region and we must be proactive as we come up with lasting solutions to Climate Change growing threat.
There is no doubt that the observed increase in global average temperatures since the mid- 20th century is due to the observed increase in Green House Gases (GHGs) emanating from human activities.
It is on this background that AYICC (Africa Youth Initiative on Climate Change) is organizing a Caravan from Nairobi to Durban – South Africa. AYICC – Kenya comprises of youth from YMCA, Green Warriors Movement, Y’s Men, St. Johns Community Centre, University of Nairobi, REEN, Tembea, Kenyatta University, Kibera, Ruai, Mombasa, Nyeri, Kisumu, Eldoret, Nanyuki, Machakos and many others. The vibrant movement has been on the forefront in mapping up strategies to address climate change in Kenya and the World in general. AYICC has chapters in other countries as well and they coordinate their efforts aimed at being a credible voice in Climate Change matters. These countries are: Zambia, South Africa, Tanzania, Nigeria, Malawi amongst others.
To mitigate the effects of Climate Change, AYICC members have been organizing Tree Planting exercises, Clean up Events and Environmental Education Programmes in schools and other forums. These efforts are all geared to reducing the negative effects of Climate Change through a practical aspect of doing things and information dissemination. From November to December 2011, AYICC is organizing a Caravan from Nairobi to Durban – South Africa where the Conference of Parties (COP 17) will be held. The caravan has a Campaign called; We Have Faith Campaign: Act Now for Climate Justice”. The caravan aspires to create more awareness and challenge people positively to take up actions that will reduce the effects of Climate Change.
The noble Caravan plan is a Youth Led Initiative whose idea was generated in 2009 by AYICC – Kenya during a meeting in Nairobi. To achieve its objective, the Caravan will have concerts in all the countries that it will be passing through. These are Tanzania, Malawi, Zambia, Botswana and finally into South Africa with seven (7) Climate Change concerts to create awareness in the major cities along the way. The “We have faith: act now for climate justice” Campaign is jointly run by Ecumenical Movements, Churches, Communities and Youth in Africa and together, we will amplify the African voice on Climate Change concerns. Other dedicated young persons from Norway, UK and other nations are also in the campaign and through harnessing our energies; we will become the ultimate “Global Voice on Climate Change”.
Well; the United Nations Framework on Climate Change (UNFCC) and its Kyoto Protocol has made notable achievements in addressing the challenges climate change imposes on humanity. Responding globally to the climate change problem, stimulating an array of national policies, creating an International Carbon Market, and establishing new institutional mechanisms may provide the foundation for future efforts to slow Climate Change. But to be more environmentally effective, future mitigation efforts would need to achieve deeper reductions covering activities with a higher share of global emissions.
Cyrus Gachanja Omondi Ole Rabui