Friday, January 13, 2012

Information Disemination(CFC Life)

FK Participants during a break in the FK course

After a long trip it was unfortunate that we could not get to rest for some time and we directly begun with training from the donor organization known as Fredskorpset Norway. FK Norway is a public body answerable to the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and financed totally over the State Budget which arranges reciprocal exchanges of personnel between organizations in Norway and developing countries. Their objective is to contribute to lasting improvements in economic, social and political conditions in the world through many ways such as sharing information and also advocacy work targeting a specific problem within the communities in which they work. The participants came from 9 different countries all over the world which included (Kenya, Madagascar, Armenia, Brazil, Nicaragua, Uganda, Norway, Mozambique and the Philippines)this marked the year with the most countries within all the youth camps that have ever happened since the program begun.
This I would say for me that it was a really educative time for me and more so having very well experienced facilitators like Pellegrino Riccardi who is well known to the world for his good knowledge in intercultural communication. The topics covered included;
• The role of social media in addressing global issues.
• Blogging and how to make use of the FK world page where every FK member feeds in information that he or she would like to share.
• Photography and storytelling.
• Development issues and challenges
• Environmental challenges
• Poverty and Wealth
• Intercultural communication.
The training had 36 young people from 9 different nations across the world from three different groups under the FK youth program; this were; Communication for change, Latin American Group and the AIESEC.
'Africa can feed the world'
The president of the International Fund for Agricultural Development claims that, by focusing on farming, Africa has the potential to feed not only itself but the rest of the world (The Guardian, 2011)said Maren Aase, Research Fellow, Centre for Development and the Environment, (SUM) , University of Oslo

Edutainer Pellegrino Riccardi one of the facilitators

One of the Programs under the FK Norway projects

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