Monday, January 30, 2012

KFUK-KFUM Information Tour!

KFUK-KFUM Information Tour!

The success of the Arab springs in most of the Arabic countries lies behind the mobilization and organization of the energy and passion within the Young people.The fight against Apartheid,Genocide in Rwanda and now the biggest catastrophe climate change is due to the passion and energy within the youth.Therefore all this is just but an alarm showing that the only solution to bringing change in the world is investing in young peoples energy and commitment to life.
Different organizations have chosen to engage the young people in different levels and ways through creative and innovative platforms.One of the ways through which this has succeeded is by having exchange programs such as Communication For Change and Young Peace Performers which are implemented by the Fredskorpset in partnership with Kirkens Nodheljp(Norwegian Church Aid) and KFUK-KFUM Norge(YMCA YWCA)and other organization in 9 other countries.
One of the main activities carried out by the young Communication for Change participants during their exchange in Norway is advocacy and campaign work focusing on a thematic area like climate change or poverty with regards to the thematic area of that year.Therefore this years Information tour with the Norge KFUK-KFUM was focused on one of the biggest long term campaigns by the Y global known as Stop Poverty with very key demands on Climate change which included;
  • Cutting drastically the Carbon Dioxide emissions of Norway by 40% as compared to the 1990 levels.
  • Finance Climate adaptations initiatives in developing countries through committing more than 1% GDP to the Green Fund.
  • Stopping Carbon Dioxide leakages outside Kyoto countries.

South team pose for a group photo before the show with new hats from the Norwegian KFUK-KFUM
From the 27th of January the CFC team was divided in two with my team which was the south team going to Oslo and the rest to the North.We begun with a show at the Night volleyball cup where more than 200 hundred young people gather from the different youth groups within the Norwegian KFUM-KFUK.This is a whole night event where young people play volleyball and compete for different prizes as well as share with one another and also spiritually get nourished.Here we got to present a 20 minutes show and had them send Sms to Jens.we also got to play 3 games despite that we did not proceed to the finals but we inspired them to be part of the change they want in the world as young people which is what we do best.
The south team at the night volleyball cup after winning the last match though we did not make it to the semi-finals
This was one the best nights without sleeping but having so much fun with other young people very energetic to make a change in the world.For sure young people have all that it takes to move masses and solve the global issues affecting the communities.
Having fun with some of the young people from the KFUK-KFUM youth groups
Noen sør deltakere bare chilling og ha det gøy volleyballbane som de nyter konkurransedyktige kampene
The second day of the information tour starts with a preparation for the evening show with a local tensing group at the chicken waterfall known as Honefos in Norwegian after which we start our journey which is an hour and half drive fro Oslo to a place know as Rengerike.Here we meet young people of the age of 13-15 who have sessions on singing and other extra curricula activities during the free time and evenings after school.Here we have an hour and half show where we share with them what we are doing and they get to send the sms to jens as well as get to know bout the Communication for change program which they can take part in.What a nice way of inspiring young people!!!

We also had a chance to visit very many other local tensing groups within Oslo and below are some of the groups we visited;
Kirkens Nodheljp participants at the Change Maker Norge Winter SNU camp with Markus the leader of change maker after the show
The boys at the Stop Poverty Kick off concert in KFUK-KFUM Oslo hall
Performance at the KFUK-KFUM winter festival in Arendal with the theme of Courage

It is important invest in what the young people have by believing in the them, giving them space to do what they want and at the long run letting them speak out what they believe in and this is what the world needs to change.
"Never believe that a few caring people can't change the world. For in deed, that is all we ever have." Margaret Mead, Anthropologist

These are what the young people are and together we will make incredible things happen!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Great blog! The CFC show last night in Arendal was great. You really mobilise young people for change that can make justice and peace!
    I saw your post on Folkhighschool and "organised gap year" programmes. If you like, we could start planning how to develop a folkhighschool in Kenya, together with African YMCA. I know the leadership of AAYMCA (African Alliance) is interested. We could make an empowerment center for young people to learn all which is needed to build a global social movement and eradicate poverty.
    Fredrik Glad-Gjernes
    Director YGLOBAL
